Theme Options

Theme Options section allows you to customize the entire theme as you want.
√ Go to Customizer -> Theme Options

Featured Section
√ You can choose multi featured layout options. Pro Feature
√ You can select the category of the blog you want to display here.
√ You can change the layout of featured layouts by enabling/disabling date, categories, summary.

Slider Posts
√ You can choose multi slider layout. Pro Feature
√ You can select the category of the blog you want to display here.
√ You can change the layout of slider by enabling/disabling date, categories, summary.

Page Sections
Page section allow you to show the pages in the homepage. Simple select the page from the list and add them

Blog Options
√ You can change the layout of blog to Grid/Full width/List View
√ You can change the layout of blog by enabling/disabling sidebars
√ You can select the category of the blog you want to display here.

Category display section
√ You can select and reorder which categories of articles you want to show on your homepage

Drag and Drop
√ You can reorder, show, or hide the different areas of the homepage you want to include